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Proud to share some of our Success Stories

15 years old IB student issues with comprehending and critically analyzing case studies, resulting in low scores; can now comprehend and critically analyse articles, poems and case studies

  • Difficulty in referring to the passage and answering to questions
  • Unable to understand and analyze given article, poem and/or case studies
  • Limiting analyzing skills and answering in all subjects
After 40 sessions
This student now -
  • Can recall rules and critically analyze short stories; we are still working on complex ones.
  • Can distinguish and understand different pointers and genres. Still working towards excellence
  • Can analyze case studies and answer to the questions.

Our Address

E/130 Basement, Sushant Lok-1, Opp. Paras Hospital (About 3 Kms from HUDA City Centre Metro Station) Gurgaon-122009, Haryana, India

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